Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Oh Canada!
I just took a look at my point and shoot camera. There were 3000 pictures there that I have not shared with you. Eons ago, my friend and colleague Christina and I attended an event at Cooking by the Book hosted by the Vancouver CVB.
I loved the centerpieces. I’m digging these cabbage-y flowers lately.
They had some yummy cheese, veggie and pigs in a blanket appetizers. My personal favorites.
The decor was simple yet really cool. Just bookcases full of all different cook books. I wanted to steal them all. Then again – I don’t have nearly this many bookshelves. There were cake books.
And vegetarian books…
And everything in between.
I thought the kitchen was more hands on friendly than Rustico, but Rustico was a lot less intense and a tad friendlier in my opinion. CbtB was much more about us actually doing the cooking, and I learned a lot – but I like that the vibe at Rustico is more laid back. I think, however, if I went to Rustico for a cooking class rather than teambuilding I’d have a different experience.
I was at the potato/celery root table. The potatoes were parboiled but we had to work on the celery root.
It was so nice to have a super sharp chef knife. I definitely have crap knives at home.
We diced them into chunks.
until we filled the bowl.
I typically don’t rice potatoes – but we did here. It was…shall I say…annoying???
Mmmmm. Butter. Let the record show we used this whole thing!!!
and also added chopped scallions.
Let the mashing commence.
We were done pretty early so then I wandered over to where Christina was and helped cook some crabcakes.
A little too much frisee. I am not a frisee fan at all.
Here is where the meal went south for me. The main course was salmon. I don’t like salmon but it sounded like a yummy presentation. I took the teeniest of bites and realized I REALLY don’t like salmon. :) I had a moment with the woman who runs the school where she was not happy that I don’t like salmon and kind of let me know it. Well. She was more unhappy that I didn’t tell her I didn’t like salmon. I know that she simply wanted me to have food I enjoyed but I was really better off with bland food that night anyway. And I tried. I really did but salmon and me are not friends. Plus it didn’t help that it was right after I got over my stomach bug. Which I finally told her about when she wouldn’t leave me alone. The whole thing made me a tad uncomfortable. But the overall experience was great and the celery root and veggies were delish.
All in all it was quite a lovely dinner and another place that I can put on my list for cooking classes (an early New Years resolution is to at least take 1 class next year). I got a pair of Olympic mittens as a parting gift that I gave to Jen.
So there you go. A little blast from my recent past. I’m trying to make myself go out and walk a bit on the treadmill now. I think it’ll be good for my mental – not to mention physical – condition.
Hope you all are enjoying this holiday season.
See you soon!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Imagine you’re a deer….
I have some stories – like of the night recently I fell in a mud hole and almost hit a deer costing my boyfriend about $75.00 (give or take).
I haven’t exercised in a week.
I ate McDonald’s twice over Thanksgiving weekend.
Things here are sort of unstable. I won’t know about my job till early next week. I’m swamped and can’t seem to keep up. I want to blog (properly not just a ‘Hey! Remember me?” post) but it is proving difficult.
Subconsciously the holidays are hard to take. There’s a lot of energy used up in just trying to keep going. I don’t want to be depressed so instead I constantly feel tired and restless.
For the New Year I want to get back to normal – or as normal as it can be under the circumstances. I am looking forward to my new blog schedule which I think I’ll start up brand spanking new in January.
December though I fear posting will be sporadic. I’ll do my very best to get here as much as possible.
I’m going to make candy soon. And cake pops. And a few cookies to give as gifts.
PS: Just fyi - I also do a mean Mona Lisa Vito impression.