Plus it's invoice paying day. I've been a little busy.
Lunch today was a weird combo but tasty as could be.

It's 1 chicken tender,1 wedge of Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb, some yellow bell pepper, spinach and...some mushed baked beans on the bottom.
Really. It was good.
Plus Baked Lays

Tonight I am going to Zumba and I can't wait. Tomorrow's plan: If the scale is down at home I'll go do a weigh in. If it's not - I'll cancel and make an appointment for next week. I'm holding steady but mentally I don't want to go into Christmas agonizing over every morsel. My delicate psyche can't take it. ;)
On a separate note: Does anyone else do this thing you're supposed to do nowadays which is shampoo less and use conditioner more? I did that this morning - knowing I'd have to shower when I get home tonight b/c of Zumba and my hair looks like it did when I was about a year old. Which is flat, thin and fine.
Not attractive.
Has anyone tried that Wen stuff? You know the guy who was on Flipping Out with the homeless woman living outside his salon who made Jeff crazy trying to pick out floors?
I wonder if it's good. I know from the infomercial that Laura Ingalls, Anna Devane and Kelly Taylor all use it.
OK now that I've sufficiently uncovered my many layers of crazy I'll be going now. :)
Happy Week Before Christmas Eve everyone!!
Be back later.
I am doing the only wash my hair with conditioner - but I have naturally curly (yet fine) hair. It's working for me, but I don't know that it was meant for everyone.
I'm alternating wash and condition so far. I know they say it takes time before your hair adapts to it but my hair is on the shorter side and pretty straight (it's getting wavier as I get older - it used to be pin straight). If it doesn't behave there's not much I can do to hide it!