I mean - I could be maintaining a weight over 200 lbs (which is basically what I'd done for the past 8 or so years) so this is a vast improvement.
But I still have weight I want to lose.
I guess part of it is that I'm no longer uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel now like if things don't fit correctly it's the cut of the clothes and not my fault for lack of a better explanation.
But it's the very beginning of the holiday season and I need to step it up a bit.
Of course I make this bold declaration during a week where I have a ton of events and stuff but oh well. Tomorrow and Friday I can make my own meals - so I'm going to concentrate on that.
This morning I started with the usual. I'm home so I'll have a good lunch and then a work event tonight for dinner. I'm going to run (literally) to the gym right before I leave to go uptown for the event.

And that's the grand plan.
Check back with you later.
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