When we last spoke I mentioned my plans and I'm happy to say I fulfilled them for the most part. I went to the gym and ran 2 miles, I straightened up my apartment - (didn't do the deep cleaning I planned but oh well) and headed out on the train.
I ate this on my way, proving I am incapable of being in Penn Station and not going to Auntie Anne's.

I still love their packaging.

And read this book - which my dear friend Andrea sent me for my birthday. I'm LOVING it! Thanks A!!
When I got to my parents I ate some of my sister's famous fried rice - which I have made her promise to document the next time she makes it so that I can feature it here.
It's brown rice, chicken, black beans, edamame, onions, garlic powder, cayenne, s&p, teriyaki or soy sauce and an egg.
Sounds like a crazy combo but it is so delicious.

And a handful of these guys for dessert.

Since it was such beautiful weather today (no coats - just sweaters needed) my sister had a great idea - to go for a walk at the Bailey Arboretum which is near my parents. So she, my mom and I did just that.
I came home and took a nap for about an hour - another clear sign that I'm not exactly myself.
We went to my dad's favorite restaurant for dinner - The American Cafe. It's very kitschy and cute and the food is delicious.
I had 3/4 of a burger and 3/4 of the fries. I shared them with my sister.
And my mom's roasted veggies on the side (she doesn't do vegetables much). It was a really odd mix but quite delicious.
And - there you go. That's Sunday. Working from here tomorrow, spending the day with my old lady dog and doing laundry. I'm going to try and get some sleep tonight. No webcasts tomorrow (thankfully!) but I have a 9:30 am conference call.
Sleep well. See you tomorrow!
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