It's not a gallbladder attack - but my stomach is all weird. I'm hungry but when I eat nothing is sitting very well. It's very annoying.
So here are some pictures to let you know what I've been up to.
First my pasta from the other night. Looked great right? It's after eating this I started to feel unwell. :(

I wanted to buy flowers yesterday. I settled for asparagus.

Which I ate for dinner. I kept it pretty plain, baked potato with a little bit of butter, boneless cornmeal coated pork chop baked and the asparagus.
I'm cranky. I slept HORRIBLY last night tossed and turned till almost 3. Aren't you glad you stopped by???

Breakfast this morning.

I worked from home this am but now need to get my act together and head into the office.
I shall return. See you in a bit.
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