Speaking of - look at the lovely dress I'm going to wear for my Carnegie Hall performance next Sunday.

Look at the sparkly detail!!

I have to go get it hemmed this weekend. It's waaay too long. (and waaay too horrendous looking but that's neither here nor there.) My old outfit was 27 sizes too big but at least it was basic black.
My apartment smells like yummy carmelized onions. I plan to use them for lunch tomorrow. Today I had a sammmich for lunch. Turkey w/Swiss cheese, honey mustard and spinach. With BBQ PopChips on the side. It's on lightly toasted TJ's Quinoa Bread.
I think I'm in love.

And a little bit of dessert.

I found these at CVS. They have these new Pack a Snack things. Packs of 8 Peppermint Patties and Special Darks.
I eat so much 70% or more dark chocolate that the Special Dark is super sugary to me now.
But. You know. It didn't slow me down much.
I'll be back at dinner. With pasta.
See you then.
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