The Bachelorette is responsible for me not going to the gym this morning.
Well that and sour milk in my Cheerios causing me to fix a different breakfast.
I DVR'd it because I fell asleep watching last night. And I know the show is super cheesy and super fake but it's fascinating and entertaining TV. My sister helped get a friend on the show a few seasons back so I have all sorts of details about how fake it all is but I don't care. I still have to watch.
But this is why I love NYC. As I walked to work this morning there was a guy on the corner of 41st and 6th handing out roses. I usually ignore all people handing out flyers (sorry but there's very little chance I'm going to actually end up going to wherever they are advertising) but I make an exception for flowers.
(Note to Scotts Flowers on E37th St. Very nicely done! I'm keeping the card)
And then when I crossed the street a homeless guy threw garbage at me.
Oh NYC. Please don't ever change.
After my failed Cheerios I made a hard boiled egg.

I forget how much I like hard boiled eggs.
Oh! Before I forget - just a note about the pics in this blog. Those I take at home are with my Canon EOS Rebel XS 18-55IS using the kit lens. I want to get some other lenses (specifically a macro lens for starters) but I am VERY new to photography and want to take a little course first. Those I take at work are via my Blackberry which is a Storm and has 3.2 MP. This might explain the difference in quality. :)
Be back at lunch!!
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