Man, what a day yesterday. It started off sunny and sweet and ended with a precious 4 year old taking a tumble and a trip to the ER. (All's well thank goodness - but it was a very scary day for everyone - including Aunt Krissy).
After hearing that my brother and sister-in-law would be bringing my munchkins out to my parents' I boarded a train (after a 30 min walk/run 2+ mile workout)and I had some pretzels.

I can't seem to pass an Auntie Anne's without craving some. I ate 3 sticks on the train and then the other three later in the afternoon.
I read this book - which was good but had a *spoiler alert* kinda gruesome ending that I was not expecting at all. It's about Frank Lloyd Wright and his mistress.

I had no idea about all that stuff. Interesting, but I'm now reading
Julie & Julia which is much lighter.
And when I got there I had a hamburger - or more like 2 in 1! My dad made them for my nieces but they didn't want them. On a sandwich thin w/spinach.

Then my Madeleine and I made some cupcakes. She's the best baker's helper ever.

I sampled a lot of the icing. So incredibly sweet. This is why I love dark chocolate w/something salty. I'm not an all out sugary sweet person.
Dinner was delayed due to the aforementioned medical emergency but it was good once we finally sat down to eat. We ate outside since the weather is so nice these days. Almost fall like this week.

Some yummy whole grain bread. (and wine!)

Grilled chicken.

My plate: Caprese salad w/baslsamic, rice, chicken, grilled shrimp, bread and butter.

And then some of the sweetest roasted corn ever.
This morning I ate this on the train ride in...

Lunch will be some spinach salad with either leftover shrimp or chicken and some mozzarella and tomato.
I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the gym today or not. I have a long afternoon of conference calls - literally from 1-5 PM I'm booked - and I might just want to relax tonight and get up early and run.
We'll see.