Oh yeah. Thursday night - I met my mom and Jen for dinner at Park Avenue Bistro.
I had some white wine and a delicious scallop dish over creamy cauliflower puree.

Jen had a delicious looking pistachio chicken salad - Mom had a burger.

And we ordered dessert. Mom & Jen the apple tart.

I ate every last bite of the chocolate mousse.

Yesterday I finally had my appointment with the surgeon. The verdict? I am going to get my gallbladder out - but the timing is just bad. He needs two weeks to schedule the surgery - I'm going away on April 11. Then after that I have my concert at Carnegie Hall. I can't do it right after vacation...
So. Anyway. I feel better talking to the surgeon. He said I'm in a gray area - qualifying for surgery but not in massive constant pain. My diet does a lot to keep the attacks to a mimimum. I could basically live like this forever but I don't want to. I'm a person who has a very high tolerance for pain but why should I be in pain randomly for the rest of my life?
I don't think I should. Getting it out is a cure and I'm all for cures these days.
So...I'm still taking it easy but I missed peanut butter SO MUCH that I caved and had this for breakfast yesterday.

I went to my appointment then had a quick pretzel and hummus snack when I got home. After a stressful afternoon I decided again to have what I really wanted for dinner.
That = pizza.
The crust - Trader Joe's Sea Salt and Basil Ciabbata flatbread.

The sauce - doctored up with a little red wine, crushed red pepper, oregano, basil (fresh + dried) roasted garlic and onion.

The pizza topped with orange bell pepper, fresh mozzarella, ricotta, roasted tomatoes, spinach and fresh basil.


And that brings us to today. A repeat of yesterday's breakfast.

The agenda: Gym then brunch with the girls. $20 with unlimited adult beverages.
It's going to be a long day. :)
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