Well - not excited about the doctor's. I'll probably find out that my gallbladder and I are parting ways soon (which is freaking me out a wee bit - I've never been in the hospital for anything before except to visit other people - we'll see what the doctor says). Regardless, I will enjoy walking uptown in the beautiful weather for sure.
I thought I'd give you a run down of my food from yesterday now that I'm using my other laptop.
Dear Justin Long -
I really want to be a Mac but I fear I might be a PC.
Lunch yesterday was leftover pizza from Otto.

Dinner - 1 chicken tender + a baked tater w/roasted broccoli and light sour cream.

Breakfast today - a multi-grain English w/Garlic & Herb Laughing Cow.

I realized today that I am very bad at photographing my snacks. I think it gives the impression that I don't snack at all - but I definitely do. I typically have a bit of cheese or pretzels and hummus or a handful of nuts once or twice a day.
Just want to keep it real. :) I'll try and be better about documenting that though.
After the Oscars I caught this on Jimmy Kimmel. Too funny. Lenny Kravitz cracked me up - and of course I have much affection for Jimmy's cute sidekick.
Lunch will be late (leftover enchilada) and dinner will most likely be a Italian style chicken and quinoa combo.
See you in a bit.
Oh too funny...thanks for sharing that:) It's nice all those guys have such a great sense of humour about themselves.
They do. I looks like they had a lot of fun making fun of themselves!!