Monday, August 22, 2011

Two weeks….

Stopping by for a quick update.  I am the world’s worst blogger and an even worse food blogger.  I had to opt out of a Ghirardelli Tastemaker offer today because I was ashamed to admit when my last blog post was. :(

I made 4 completely different meals yesterday (I decided I didn’t want to cook again this week due to stress level) and took nary a picture.

So what’s new? My shower was on the 13th.  My mom and Jen did an amazing job.  I am very fortunate to have such generous friends and family.


I am pretty well set for the wedding.  Of course the following things have occurred lately:

Jen’s shoes were too big.  I ordered another pair and they sent a completely different style shoe.  Status:  Currently waiting for replacement

My catering manager quit.  I found this out when I sent an email and got her “I no longer work here” auto reply.  Status:  New girl seems responsive but I am not happy to switch so late in the game.

Amenity gift bags were 8 sizes too small.  Status:  Returned – awaiting replacement.

We’ve submitted our marriage license application and need to go there in person on Thursday to get it.   Rings are pretty much done.  My first fitting was last week – my dress was HUGE which again was a huge relief.  I had this nightmare my dress would be too small.  Of course this wouldn’t have been a problem 30 lbs ago but bygones. 

Anyway – that’s where we are.  I promise PROMISE a huge wedding/honeymoon/life recap after the wedding. 

Now if I can just keep from having meltdowns in the car in the parking lot of Stop & Shop for the next two weeks I’ll be golden.