Hi all!
I’m back – not sure how many noticed I was gone since my blogging has been sparse to say the very least. There is so much going on – I keep waiting for things to slow down but it appears there is no such thing.
I’m moving on Monday and soon after Jen is moving into my old apartment and I’m so excited for her to be a city girl. She loves Long Island but I really do think she’ll enjoy living in the city. I resisted for the longest time and now I’m dragging my feet to leave. :(
I also need to change the name of this blog. I still want it to be about life and food and things like that but I am no longer single (obviously!) so the name seems silly.
Any and all suggestions as to a new name would be MUCH appreciated!! I’m pretty much at a loss. Second Helpings seems to be a no-brainer but there are multiple catering companies and others using that name and I don’t want to have to switch AGAIN.
Also if anyone knows how I can switch this puppy over to Wordpress that would be awesome. I’m thinking it’s time for a change.
I promise you I will be posting more soon. Once the dust settles next week I will update you with all the goings on around here.
In the words of Rachel Zoe - “It’s pretty major.” :)