I got home tonight and went to the gym. I did my incline treadmill workout - 55 minutes (with a 5 min cooldown) at level 20. I start at a speed of 3.8 for 2 minutes then go to 4.0 for 12, 4.2 for 10, 4.4 for 15 and end up at 4.6 for the last bit.
Snacks today were a bunch of grapes at around 4 PM at the office and some pretzels and hummus when I got home from the gym.
I am going to go for a 30 min run tomorrow morning before work. It's my own personal D-Day (well - D-Day for my entire department. Yikes.)
On a personal note: Please think good thoughts for me and my friends/co-workers. The way they are giving us this news is not quite normal. We are going to the main office, sitting in a conference room working until we get an IM that tells us to go and meet someone face to face. Weird right?
I feel like starting the day with a run will clear my head a bit.
I should know my fate before noon. I was not that worried but tonight I'm wondering if that makes me incredibly self aware and well adjusted or completely delusional.
After the gym I ran to the supermarket for some staples - my spinach was on it's last legs this morning. I think this is because apparently for a few hours recently the door of my fridge did not close completely. Hence the sour milk and the broccoli that looked more yellow than green when I tried to use it tonight. Yuck.
Anyway...before I left for work this morning I took a small steak out of the freezer. I marinated it using this:
Balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire Sauce, 1 clove garlic (minced), S&PI just threw it in a Ziploc bag and let it sit all day in the fridge.
I sliced a medium red potato into fry like shapes. I tossed it in a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper then put it on a foil lined baking sheet at 400 for about a half hour.

I cooked the steak (not my foot) on my George Foreman grill. (HEE! Coincidentally The Injury is playing on TBS right now. I swear. I cannot get away from this show!)
Then I grilled a slice of onion and some asparagus.

It wasn't restaurant quality - but it was pretty tasty.
I am still on a major ice cream kick. Out on Shelter Island the house we were at had these little tiny dishes that I first used to serve some ice cream to my nieces - then I used them myself. They are great for portion control I think. While I was doing all my sorting and organizing I came across a votive candle holder. I ran it through the dishwasher so tonight I decided it was the perfect ice cream dish.
HD Five Ingredient Vanilla Bean with Hershey's Special Dark Syrup
That ice cream is near perfection. Truly. Rich, creamy with a really potent vanilla flavor. I highly recommend.
I'm now going to watch the Yankees try and come back and beat the Rays or watch some mindless TV and try and shut of my brain.
And so...I bid you Bonne nuit, mes chers lecteurs.