This was spinach, one chicken tender, goat cheese, sweet peppers, onion with honey dijon basalmic.
And 2 dark chocolate Dove squares for dessert.
A few more hours and I'm off!
I'm getting in the mood for tonight by listening to a mix I made on my iTunes. I was going to show you the cheesetastic songs on it but I'm trying to figure out how to use SnagIt to get it to save the right size. I'm failing miserably. Anyone know how this thing works? It's saving way too small.

If you squint while wearing glasses you will see the appropriate genres represented. Plenty of Flo Rida with a side of Ke$ha and the perfect amount Britney to round things out.
Let's see - other things I'm thinking about today. This book:

From the author's official website:
About the Book
You have a fulfilling job, a great group of friends, the perfect apartment, and no shortage of dates. So what if you haven’t found The One just yet. Surely he’ll come along, right?
But what if he doesn’t? Or even worse, what if he already has, but you just didn’t realize it?
Suddenly finding herself forty and single, Lori Gottlieb said the unthinkable in her March 2008 article in The Atlantic: Maybe she, and single women everywhere, needed to stop chasing the elusive Prince Charming and instead go for Mr. Good Enough.
Looking at her friends’ happy marriages to good enough guys who happen to be excellent husbands and fathers, Gottlieb declared it time to reevaluate what we really need in a partner. Her ideas created a firestorm of controversy from outlets like the Today show to The Washington Post, which wrote, “Given the perennial shortage of perfect men, Gottlieb’s probably got a point,” to Newsweek and NPR, which declared, “Lori Gottlieb didn’t want to take her mother’s advice to be less picky, but now that she’s turned forty, she wonders if her mother is right.” Women all over the world were talking. But while many people agreed that they should have more realistic expectations, what did that actually mean out in the real world, where Gottlieb and women like her were inexorably drawn to their “type”?
That’s where Marry Him comes in.
By looking at everything from culture to biology, in Marry Him Gottlieb frankly explores the dilemma that so many women today seem to face—how to reconcile the strong desire for a husband and family with a list of must-haves so long and complicated that many great guys get rejected out of the gate. Here Gottlieb shares her own journey in the quest for romantic fulfillment, and in the process gets wise guidance and surprising insights from marital researchers, matchmakers, dating coaches, behavioral economists, neuropsychologists, sociologists, couples therapists, divorce lawyers, and clergy—as well as single and married men and women, ranging in age from their twenties to their sixties.
Marry Him is an eye-opening, often funny, sometimes painful, and always truthful in-depth examination of the modern dating landscape, and ultimately, a provocative wake-up call about getting real about Mr. Right.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think settling is just a really bad term to use but I'm finding I relate to it quite a bit. Well. Not the no shortage of dates. I don't know what city she's talking about - but my dates seem to happen with the same regularity as Groundhog's Day. And that's when I'm actively online dating. When I'm left on my own you do the math. I will say that my laundry list of "must haves" has dwindled considerably. I used to say I'd like for a guy to simply be both breathing and unmarried but...I do actually have a bit higher standards than that. :)
As I head into a second date on Saturday (weather permitting) it's giving me something to think about.
Single ladies of a certain age...any thoughts?
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