Any of you who have come here looking for any tips on how to actually lose weight please disregard my last 3 posts because...yeah. That's not gonna really help you.
For those of you looking for ways to actually LIVE while losing weight - maybe I can help you out with that.
For those of you who just like looking at pictures of peanut butter sandwiches - I'd say you hit the jackpot. :)
Thanking you for not jumping ship,
I am far, far, far from perfect. My scale was not nice to me this morning. I'm looking at having gained 5 lbs from my last weigh in. Now part of that is that I'm at a certain time of the month so I'll give myself a little wiggle room but most of it is the fried food and alcohol laced fiesta I seem to have been having the last week or so.
Gotta get back to what I know works.

I've got salad for lunch. I'm gonna have a healthy dinner. I might not get to the gym today (so exhausted) but I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm going to a Happy Hour on Wednesday but I'm going to Diet Coke it.
This is what worked for me a year ago. I lived through evenings out drinking soft drinks. To eating at home before going to dinner so a salad would suffice. If I want to get these last 7 lbs off - this is what I need to do.
So...that's what I'm gonna do for Lent (since the not cursing thing was not gonna work out and I pretty much suck at the no meat thing). I'm going to pretend I'm at the first 7...not the last.
Wish me luck!
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