I am in a remarkably chipper mood.
Last night I decided to be a good Catholic girl and had calamari for dinner.
Note: Don't ever expect good calamari at a dive sports bar.

I didn't eat much at all. I mostly snagged half of Kristen's fries. I had 2 glasses of "What the hell -it's Friday!" wine.

I got home and had a leftover truffle and fell asleep watching the Olympics.

I got a great night's sleep and this morning had a delicious breakfast. This is one scrambled egg with 1 slice of bacon. Some sauteed onion and sweet peppers in a whole wheat tortilla.

Then I went up to Zumba and had a great class. The weather is gorgeous today so I walked home. I stopped at the bank to take some money out for tonight and found out that my FEDERAL RETURN was already deposited!!!
The next corner I also learned that the Madison Avenue Bandolino store is closing.
You know what that means?
Shoes. For $29.99.


And then Aerosoles had 30% off boots. I got these for $34.00!!

Yes. I have midget feet. I'm a 6.5. I used to say I needed to lose weight because my feet were not meant to carry someone over 200 lbs!
I got home and had some lunch. Leftover cheesy pasta, a half of a almond/cashew chicken breast on a bed of spinach.

How cute is this Diet Coke can!

Another example of my 'warm stuff on salad' method. Yummy!

And Joe Joe's for dessert.

And now I'm lounging until I have to go get my hair done at 6 PM. I'm trying to put off taking a shower till right before - but Zumba doesn't make me too pleasant to be around.
I'll be back tomorrow with plenty of pictures of Prom 2010.
See you then! Have a glorious weekend!
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