Friday, April 30, 2010

Two things...

It was supposed to be three but my phone won't let me send the picture of my lunch.

It's a Grilled Chicken Chipotle Snack Wrap from McDonald's.

I'm sure you're not going to cry over that one. :) I was so busy this morning that I didn't get a chance to eat before rehearsal. Thank goodness McD's in NYC have to list the calorie count. I so wanted one of those country chicken sandwiches or whatever they're called.

I'm proud I resisted.

Dinner was supposed to be leftover pasta - but the leftovers were better left. I boiled some more and added some odds and ends from the fridge. I'm relocating to LI after the surgery on Tuesday so any food here will just go to waste.

I used leftover veggies from the pizza last night, some white wine and pasta water with some red pepper flakes for the sauce and some cubed mozzarella.

I stopped by the store tonight and happened to wander down the ice cream aisle.

They had this - which they hardly ever have.

So I had this. And it was amazing.

Ramekins are your friend.

I want to try and get a quick run in tomorrow before I head uptown. The weather is gorgeous and I'm feeling antsy. Plus - running will be off limits for a while after Tuesday. My allergies are killing me tonight. At least I hope they are my allergies. If it's a cold I'm gonna lose it.

The good news is I'm down another pound. If I lose 7 lbs post-surgery I will actually meet my goal.

I cannot even believe it's so close. It sucks that this is the way I might get there but I'm not going to complain too much about it!!

Sleep well dear readers. I'll catch you in the am.

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