Monday, November 2, 2009

Sandwiched in


I'm still not 100%. Really I am too old to behave the way I did the other night and not be punished. I'm back at work and spent the morning in the studio.

I still can't get my point and shoot camera to work - a casualty of the other night. I know that the card inside is functioning but I busted the lens I think.

So careless.

So here are pics from my handy cell phone.

Peanut butter, rye sandwich thin, McDonald's Diet Coke - no fries or burgers in sight

Lunch: tuna and spinach on a rye sandwich thin.

I'm going to drag myself to the gym tonight and just walk for a bit I think.

Or maybe not. I'm dragging again today. I might just go home and tackle my apartment. I'm feeling the need to straighten and organize in order to feel more like a functioning adult.

I'll stop beating myself up soon...but sigh. I'm more than a little disappointed in myself.

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