Monday, September 28, 2009

Purple Potatoes

No gym for me today. I guess I needed a day off. I'm going to try and go in the morning and then do my long walk to rehearsal to make up for it.

Weigh in is on Wednesday.


I'm interested to see what adding yoga has done to my little routine here. If I need to step it up or if it's OK to use it as a substitute.

At TJs a week or so ago I bought a bag of "Confetti Potatoes" which were red, yellow and purple. I've been intrigued and wanted to make some purple mashed.

And so - tonight I did.

I roasted a split chicken breast with some red onion - on 375 for about 35 minutes.

I cubed some potatoes - 2 of the purple and one small yellow.

Put them in a pot of salted cold water and brought to a boil and simmered for about 6 minutes. I drained them and put them back in the pot. I added 2 tbsp of light sour cream and 1 tbsp of unsalted butter, S&P to taste. I whipped them with a hand mixer.

Dinner is served.

I ate half the chicken and I still have about a half cup of potatoes left.

I'm going to try and be asleep before 11 PM tonight so on that note - I bid you adieu.

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