Thursday, August 6, 2009

Buffalo Burger

I'm all achy today. This running thing is moving muscles that I forgot I had I think.

Today I walked this many steps:

or about 7.3 miles. Add that to Zumba and I burned QUITE a few calories today.

I had a snack before class, which was vanilla bean fat free yogurt with a drizzle of syrup and sprinkles.

It was all melty by the time I could eat it. :( And really artificial tasting to be honest. I'll stick to my all natural ice cream I think.

I came home and used this:

To make this:

It's buffalo and it's delicious. I have a butcher right near my apartment who sells buffalo (bison) burgers. It's leaner than ground beef. It's not gamey at all. If you are a burger person I highly recommend.

I made a baked potato with sour cream (I only ate half) and some steamed broccoli on the side (I ate all the broccoli). I sliced my last lovely boccaccini on top and had some raw red onion and spinach on a toasted sandwich thin.

It really was very yummy.

We have a company outing tomorrow YAY!! No going to the office!! I'll try to get pics of the things I eat on my Blackberry. Hope you're having a great night!

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